This guide will dictate, how to buy BITRISE or the BRISE token to be precise from your smartphone.
BRISE or as it is popularly known -Bitrise is the native token of the Bitgert blockchain. This new blockchain platform has immense potential to grow owing to its high speed of executing transactions (100,000 TPS) and near zero Gas Fee. Learn more about Bitgert Blockchain here.
I bought Bitrise token from my smartphone and I will list all the steps I took for the same in this guide.
The method that we will follow to buy BRISE token is of swapping BNB token for BRISE token in the Bitrise wallet. You could have also accomplished a similar swap using Ether (Ethereum token).
I personally used BNB to swap it to buy BRISE token.
The basic outline of the method that we will follow is as below.

Let’s get started.
Table of Contents
How to buy BITRISE token from Smartphone
Step 1: Download the BRISE Wallet
Install BRISE wallet from the Playstore of your Android Phone or Apple Store of your IOS phone.

If you are a new user click on ” Create a New Wallet”

Create a username and a strong password

You will be prompted with a Seed phrase which is a random phrase of 12 words. Secure your Seed Phrase-write down your Seed Phrase in a piece of paper and store it in a secure place. This Seed phrase will be required in the instance of you loosing your password or logging into another device or system.

You and only you can secure your wallet. No one including Bitgert can recover your wallet. Your password and Seed Phrase are the only keys to access your wallet.
Seed Phrase and Password

Congrats you have downloaded the BRISE Wallet securely.

Step 2: Download the Binance Wallet
In a fashion similar to Step 1, download the Binance Wallet from Playstore or Apple Store.
Step 3: Open an account in Binance Exchange
Sign in to the Binance Exchange.

Create your account in Binance.

Click on “Create Personal Account” and follow the steps.
An email for verification of account will be sent to the email id you shared at the time of Account creation.

If you fill the details correctly, the Verification will take few minutes.

Step 4: Buy BNB tokens from Binance Exchange
The next step is to buy BNB tokens from Binance
Click on “Buy Crypto” in the upper left corner of the Binance exchange page.

You will be taken to the page as below. Now as per your available funds, set a value in your currency to buy the equivalent amount of BNB.

Once the process completes, your account will be credited with the BNB tokens you purchased.
Step 5: Transfer BNB tokens from the Binance Exchange to the Binance Wallet
Now transfer your BNB tokens from the Exchange to the mobile Binance wallet. Most probably, once you open the mobile Binance wallet, the purchased BNB token will be reflected in it.
Step 6: Transfer BNB tokens from Binance Wallet to the BRISE Wallet
Go to the mobile Binance wallet.
Click on the wallet icon made in the bottom right of the screen.

Here you can choose BNB and click Withdraw.

Now you will be able to paste address of your BRISE wallet to transfer BNB to the BRISE wallet.

Click on “Receive” button of your BRISE wallet. In the bottom your wallet address will be shown, which you can copy.
How to get your BRISE wallet address

Step 7: Swap BNB for Bitrise tokens
Now that you have the BNB token in the BRISE wallet, you just need to swap or exchange it for BRISE tokens.
Go to the BRISE mobile Wallet.
Click on the swap icon in the bottom (second from the left).

Now choose the amount of BNB you wish to swap for BRISE tokens.

Now confirm the swap, sit back and wait for the processing to be completed.

BRISE token and the corresponding blockchain platform-‘Bitgert’ are fairly new to the crypto space. Owing to the potential the platform offers like 100,000 TPS and negligible Gas Fee among others, the value of BRISE is almost bound to rise. Since it is still the nascent stage for the altcoin, we can invest in BRISE token to reap profits in a period of time.
BRISE token is not listed in the major Exchanges till now. It can only be bought via few Decentralized Exchanges like PanCakeSwap and or by swapping BNB or Ether in the BRISE wallet. Check a complete guide here.
This article gives us the complete method of how to buy BRISE by swapping BNB in the BRISE wallet.
Let me know in case you want to know the same swap using Ether.
If you are a serious investor in cryptocurrency space and and want to HODL them for long, use a hardware wallet like Ledger or Trezor. These wallets store your cryptocurrencies (keys to cryptocurrencies) in an offline environment which is therefore cannot be the victim of an online hack or malware practice.
Word of Advice
Dear “FellowCryptoEnthusiast”…..I’ve just read your ARTICLE on “swapping BNB to buy BitriseToken on BriseWALLET” [], so would you PLEASE “help me” on “how to SWAP ‘ETHER, not BNB’ for ‘BitriseToken’ on BriseWALLET” […please! eMAIL me_____The complete method of how to ‘buy’ BitriseTolken by SWAPPING “ETH” in the “Brise wallet”]…..Regards, ReneckMakhubedu
Hello crypto mate. In the article in Step 7 you just need to select ETH instead of BNB and perform the swap. Anyways I will soon write a detailed article for you if you want.