This guide focuses on how to buy Bitrise or BRISE crypto of the Bitgert blockchain.
Bitgert and BRISE (popularly called as Bitrise) has caused one of the biggest disruptions in the blockchain space.
This is majorly due to two facts.
Firstly, the Bitgert blockchain offers an execution speed of 100,000 transactions per second, which is one of the fastest till now (TechPay Chain and Cardano are the other fast blockchain platforms with speeds of over 300,000 TPS and 60,000 TPS respectively).
Secondly, it charges a Gas Fee next to zero. It is at its nascent stage (with approx. few months from the day of its launch). Going by the attributes discussed, it can be a future leader competing with the incumbents like Solana, Cardano, Ethereum and more.
This guide will focus on how to buy Bitrise, so that we can instill an early investment in the Bitrise and hope to reap huge benefits.
BRISE is the native token for the Bitgert blockchain. Going by what people popularly call it, we will be using BRISE and Bitrise exchangeably in this guide.
Table of Contents
How to buy Bitrise
Bitrise or BRISE is a new cryptocurrency of the Bitgert blockchain platform. Hence it is still (at the time of writing this article) not listed in popular exchanges (other than LBank). But one can buy BRISE from a Decentralized Exchange.
Basically there are two methods to buy BRISE token.
- Buy BRISE from a Decentralized Exchange.
- Buy BRISE from the Bitgert wallet.
How to buy Bitrise: Method 1: Buy Bitrise from a Decentralized Exchange
The basic idea is to exchange or swap another token like BNB, with BRISE/Bitrise in a Decentralized Exchange. Please check the below steps, where we are buying BRISE/Bitrise in exchange of BNB token.
How to buy Bitrise
Step 1: Buy BNB from an exchange
The first step is to own a token which you will swap for BRISE. For this guide we have taken BNB. Buy BNB from an exchange like Binance
Step 2: Put your purchased token in a wallet
Once you buy BNB, put it in a compatible wallet like MetaMask, Coinbase, Math Wallet or Trust Wallet.
Step 3: Connect your wallet to a Decentralized Exchange

The next step is to connect your wallet to a Decentralized Exchange like Pancakeswap, or BitMart.
Step 4: Swap your purchased token with BRISE (Bitrise)
Now that you have connected your wallet with the Decentralized Exchange like Pancakeswap, you will be able to swap or exchange BNB (the purchased token) with BRISE.
How to buy Bitrise: Method 2: Buy Bitrise from Bitgert Wallet
The second method of how to buy Bitrise is to buy from the Bitgert wallet. You can exchange any ERC 20 or BEP 20 tokens for BRISE.
Step 1: Download the Bitgert wallet
You can simply download the Bitgert wallet for your desktop, Android or IOS.
You can download it from Google Playstore or Apple Store or from here.
Step 2: Buy any ERC 20 or BEP 20 tokens from an Exchange like Binance
Buy any token which is ERC-20 or BEP 20. For example, you can buy BNB which is a BEP 20 token or Ether which is an ERC-20 token.
Go to Exchanges like Binance, Coinbase, WazirX.
These tokens can be swapped or exchanged with the BRISE token in the Bitgert Wallet.
Step 3: Add your purchased token to the Bitgert wallet.
Now you need to add the purchased token to the Bitgert wallet, so that it can be swapped with BRISE token.
Simply, transfer the purchased tokens to the Bitgert wallet address from the Exchange you used for purchasing.
Step 4: Swap the purchased BEP20 & ERC20 tokens with BRISE in the Bitgert wallet.
As a final step you will get the option to exchange your purchased token with BRISE token.
Is Bitrise a good investment?
There are high expectations from the project. Not only Bitgert offers the fastest speed of one lac TPS and negligible fee, it is also staying ahead in launching projects at a fast pace. Some of the products and solutions offered are:
Audit Solutions with Leaderboard Support
Bitgert Audit specializes in blockchain security, utilizing cutting-edge AI Technology & Manual code review by our experts to secure smart contracts and blockchains.
BRISE wallet: BRISE dApp Wallet is multi-coin wallet app that allows you to Send/Receive/Store/Swap various cryptocurrencies safely. The program provides you with a secure access key that keeps your assets safe against unauthorized access. It also has multicoin support that enables you to purchase and swap thousands of coins and blockchain types; BRISE dApp Wallet will be available for installation on iOS and Android mobile devices.
BRISE Staking
Also the company is soon to launch its exchange.
Hence it is worth keeping a firm eye on the movement of the crypto.