

I am Nitin an Engineer-turned-Finance Enthusiast, on a mission to demystify personal finance concepts and help others take control of their financial future. Over the past three years, I've embarked on a transformative journey of managing my money, exploring various investment avenues, planing my retirement, buying the right insurances and delving into the world of alternate investments like cryptocurrencies and precious metals. As an Engineer, I've always had a knack for problem-solving and analysis, and I've applied those skills to the realm of personal finance. Whether you're a beginner looking to dip your toes into the world of finance or a seasoned investor seeking fresh perspectives, you'll find a wealth of information and guidance here.

New Capital Gains Tax Canada

As we usher into mid-2024, we are witnessing a contentious proposal to increase the inclusion rate for capital gains exceeding a quarter of a million dollars from the past one half (50%) to a whopping two thirds (75%). This report…

CPP Payment Dates

CPP Payment Dates

This guide will talk about the CPP Payment Dates or CPP Payment Schedules. We will talk about the CPP payment dates 2023, CPP payment dates 2022, CPP payment increase 2023 and more. Read about RRSP here Read about TFSA here…

RRSP Withdrawal

RRSP Withdrawal

This guide will cover everything pertaining to RRSP withdrawal-taxes, strategy and exceptions. You can withdraw funds from your Registered Retirement Savings Plan anytime, if it is not locked in. To determine if your RRSP is locked, consult your provider (the…

RRSP : A Comprehensive Analysis


Welcome to our in-depth exploration of the Registered Retirement Savings Plan (RRSP), a vital saving and investment wheel for retirement planning for residents and citizens of Canada. The Registered Retirement Savings Plan offers an array of investment options, including GICs,…

RRSP Contribution Limit

RRSP Contribution Limit

This guide will particularly talk about RRSP contribution limit. Ever since I immigrated from India to Canada as a Permanent Resident (PR), I have been researching retirement plans, investment options, and tax-saving investment opportunities. Thanks to the internet and the…