Category Blockchain Guides

Learn specific concepts in Blockchain through detailed guides

Crypto Launchpads

IDO is Initial DEX Offering. DEX is Decentralized Exchanges. IDO Crypto Launchpad or simply IDO is the latest method of fundraising for startups especially blockchain startups, using token sales. Lets refresh a bit about fundraising. Fundraising is the concept of…

Smart Contracts

Smart Contracts Explained

This guide will help you get Smart Contracts Explained completely from scratch. We will cover Smart Contracts-definition, then smart contract use cases, benefits, platforms used for creating Smart Contracts, security of Smart Contracts and measures to be taken to make Smart…

Dapps-A Beginners Guide

Introduction This article will focus on Decentralized Applications-definition, difference with traditional mobile and web applications, blockchain platforms used for their development, advantages and their disadvantages. Dapps Definition Traditional Web and Mobile Applications As you might be knowing, a traditional web…